A Snickers bar is a tasty combination of chocolate, caramel, peanuts, and fluffy nougat. This recipe for Snickers fudge is the creative work of Joe at Culinary in the Desert. I used semi-sweet chocolate, as that's what I had, and I used less fluff than the recipe called for (7 oz vs. 12 oz) because apparently I don't pay attention to certain details. It still worked out, and I have absolutely no complaints. Except maybe that now I have a large container of Snickers fudge calling to me in the fridge.
Snickers are a good thing.
KT - Fantastic! I'm glad you got a chance to try them.
Damn woman. You're killing me!
100% in agreement with sara above.
Oh my god - that fudge looks and sounds just too good! How difficult is it to make?
Thanks everyone! Snickers are indeed a good thing. This recipe is more time consuming than complex -- there are four layers, and each has to set up before the next one can go on. And since each layer requires melting things, you end up washing sticky stuff out of pots several times. This might have seemed like more work, though, because I was making a bolognese sauce at the same time, and my kitchen just isn't that big. I think next time I make this fudge I'll make my own caramel, vs. unwrapping a million little candies, and I'll probably skip the butterscotch chips.
These look really, really yummy... going to the grocery store later... will pick up some fluff! Will make them with my daughter over the weekend. Thanks :)
Hi KT.... just wanted to say I've been enjoying your blog. I made the Snicker's Fudge and it was delicious... but I was a bit lazy and didn't want to make my own caramel (if I'm honest, I just wanted to eat it as quickly as possible so I opted to open the pkgs of caramels, melting them in the microwave... added a couple of tbsp of water as suggested on the back of the pkg. NOT a good idea... made the caramel layer a bit hard and brittle). Junnaid gave me your link ... the pizzas look yummy too. Thank you for the links for the meatballs and the biscuits... didn't know whether to thank you or Junnaid for thinking to ask you. Can't wait to see what culinary adventure you go on next!
You're very welcome! And thank you for reading!
Sounds like the caramel siezed up--which is what happens with chocolate if any water touches it while melting. You can get it to work again, but it's a pain.
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