Sunday, October 12, 2008

Chocolate-Dipped Macaroons

These macaroons combine sweetened and unsweetened coconut as well as cream of coconut for a finished product that is not overly sweet--but still sweet enough to counter the bittersweet chocolate we dipped them in. The recipe is from Cook's Illustrated, and they suggest making one-inch macaroons ... which would take forever to shape and then dip. We doubled the recipe and ended up with 60-70 larger macaroons.

ETA: It's not often I do this, but for all that I like this recipe, it's a pain to make and shape.  Mark Bittman's Ultimate minimalist macaroon tastes just as good, if not better--and it only takes a few minutes to throw together.  The recipe can be found here. Dip the macaroons in melted dark chocolate after baking, if desired.


Anonymous said...

OoOOooooOOoo Coconuts!!! YUM!

Olivia said...
