Happy holidays! In reverse order, we had a dark chocolate cake, frosted with a salted caramel icing. The salt offsets the sweet, and together they go very well with the chocolatey cake.

Just a slice ...

Mom's Christmas bread, or stollen. Her annual tradition for Christmas morning, a rich yeast bread flavored with cardamom and nutmeg and filled with nuts and fruit.

Oven-baked potato latkes for Hannukah, served with applesauce
Now I'm hungry!
Oven-baked potato latkes look AMAZING!
I've been enjoying reading your blog. I love potato pancakes but hardly make them because of all the oil. How do you bake them and still have the turn out tasty? Do tell!
Thanks for stopping by! I think, in the end, that I wouldn't bake latkes again, at least not without a different technique. These required just as much work, and oil too, I think, as cooking them on the stove, and then I had to clean the oven afterwards. I was thinking of how convenient it would be to bake a batch all at once, but for these you had to put oil on a hot tray, then the batter, and then get them not to stick as well. I only make them once a year, so I think I'm going back to cooking them on the stove.
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